Geothermal Details & Benefits

Geothermal Heat Pump Systems use the Constant Temperature of the Ground
Despite changes in the weather, ground temperatures are a constant 55° all year.

Geothermal works because the ground beneath our feet is warmer than the outside air in the winter and cooler in the summer. Inserting a series of small pipes into the ground allows heat to be transferred to and from your home. In this process heat is not created, it is transported, therefore no fuel is burned.

Geothermal Heating

Using the earth loop, a WaterFurnace geothermal heat pump extracts the heat from the ground in the heating cycle. The geothermal system sucks the heat from the loops and passes this warmed air through a traditional duct system.

Geothermal Cooling

During the cooling mode, cool, conditioned air is distributed throughout the house by doing the exact opposite as the heating process. Heat is not extracted, instead it is pushed into the ground. The warm heat is pulled from your home and transferred back into the earth loop. Your hot water heating can be fueled by this process as well.

Horizontal Ground Loops

Horizontal Ground Loops

Vertical Ground Loops

Vertical Ground Loops

Benefits Of Geothermal

You can often bundle the cost of your geothermal unit into your mortgage. The savings on your utility bills will likely offset the increased cost on the mortgage, creating positive cash flow for you!

Longer Life Expectancy

Geothermal units have an average life expectancy of nearly 25 years. Compared the average 13-year life expectancy of a traditional A/C unit, the investment into geothermal is going to give you a much higher ROI.

Why Should I Upgrade My System To Geothermal?

Geothermal is, in fact, up to 300% more efficient than traditional A/C units. That is just one of many benefits. Here are a few more:

• Longer lifespan
• Quieter operation
• More even heat distribution
• Reduced operating costs
• More environmentally friendly
• Cleaner & safer than traditional systems
• Heat your water for less

large home for geothermal installation in kansas city

Large Home Geothermal Installation

medium home for geothermal installation in kansas city

Medium Home Geothermal Installation

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