Most people want to recycle – but many don’t. Today, you’ll go from wishing to doing.
Recycling is the way of the future. It won’t just make you feel good – it will help keep our planet happy! We’ve produced 8.3 billion tons of plastic in the last 60 decades. It’s time for all of us to do our part.
Recycling may seem intimidating. What do I throw in the recycling bin and what don’t I? It’s not too hard. You can check out this set of guidelines for the Kansas City area. Besides those basics, we have a few more tips to get started recycling you may find useful.
Join A Recycling Program
Make sure to sign up for a curbside recycling program. For example, the Kansas City curbside program picks up from your house every week. Be sure to google your local curbside program if you have any questions about how to get signed up/what is required for your application.
If your area doesn’t offer a curbside program, you can always use recycling drop-off centers. In addition, these are also useful for recycling items your curbside program may not. In other words, different facilities can recycle different products.
Set Up Your Recycling Bins
Make sure you set up your recycling bins right next to your trash can(s). While this may seem unnecessary, it will make your job much more manageable. If it’s easier for you to recycle, you’re more likely to do it; it’s that simple.
Recycle At Work & On The Go
Many people don’t consider how many disposal items they go through daily. Particularly on the go & at work. The leftover styrofoam from eating, the paper used at work, plastic dishware often used with styrofoam dishes. Not to mention water bottles.
This is one of the easiest ways to get started recycling. If you only do this, you’ll be helping out significantly.
Reuse What You Can
This applies to most household items. For example, you can reuse glass jars for any home-made sauces/dressings you may have. This also applies to grocery bags – you’ll always come up with a use for those. This is one of the best ways to help out – make the most of what you have!
Let ECS Geothermal Help
We at ECS have been helping people help the environment in major ways for a long time. Let us help you next. Give us a call or submit a contact form and we’ll help you help the environment!
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